The Mission and Spacecraft Library

Intelsat 2

Part of the Intelsat program

Intelsat 2 picture The Intelsat 2 series expanded ITSO coverage to include 2/3 of the Earth's surface. Intelsat 2A was never operationally useful due to a bad orbit, Intelsat 2B lasted for 2 years, and Intelsat 2C and 2D lasted for 3.5 years each.

Spin stabilized.

Two transponders. Multiple access. 240 voice circuits or one TV channel.

Country of Origin International
Customer/User ITSO
Manufacturer(s) Hughes
Size Cylinder: 67 cm long, 142 cm diameter
Orbit All intended to go to geosynchronous. / 2A: 3161 km x 37244 km, incl. = 17.9 deg / 2B: GEO over Pacific / 2C: GEO over Atlantic / 2D: GEO over Pacific
Design Life 3 years

Launch Facts
 Name  Int'l Desig.  Date  Site  Vehicle  Orbit  Mass(kg)
 Intelsat 2A  1966-096A  10/26/66  ESMC  Delta E  HEO  140
    Unusable orbit due to AKM failure
 Intelsat 2B (Pacific 1)  1967-001A  1/11/67  ESMC  Delta E  GEO  87
 Intelsat 2C (Atlantic 2)  1967-026A  3/23/67  ESMC  Delta E  GEO  192
    Over Atlantic
 Intelsat 2D (Pacific 2)  1967-094A  9/28/67  ESMC  Delta E  GEO  87

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