The data in the Mission and Spacecraft Library is taken from a large number of publically available sources, including documents from official government agencies. However, different sources occasionally contain conflicting data, and we are sometimes forced to use our best judgement when selecting which information to place in the database.
This bibliography identifies those sources that have been particularly useful. We recommend them as starting points for those wanting more information.
- Peebles, Curtis; Guardians - Strategic Reconnaissance Satellites, Presidio Press, 1987 - A very readable history of American and Soviet surveillance satellite efforts.
- Richelson, Jeffrey T.; America's Secret Eyes in Space, Harper & Row Publishers Inc., 1990 - An in-depth look at the politics and history of America's Keyhole satellite program.
- Wilson, Andrew, Ed.; Interavia Space Directory 1991-92, Jane's Information Group, 1991 - The industry standard reference for spacecraft.
- TRW Space Log, TRW - An annual publication provided upon request to members of the space community, TRW Space Logs provide a yearly summary of all orbital launch attempts, as well as selected satellite descriptions.
1957-87 - Contains a summary of all launches between 1957-1987, as well as descriptions of some of the spacecraft launched during 1987.
1988 - Launch summary and satellite descriptions for 1988 launches.
1989 - Launch summary and satellite descriptions for 1989 launches.
1990 - Launch summary and satellite descriptions for 1990 launches.
1957-91 - Contains a summary of all launches between 1957-1991, as well as descriptions of some of the spacecraft launched during 1991.
1992 - Launch summary and satellite descriptions for 1992 launches.
1993 - Launch summary and satellite descriptions for 1993 launches.
1994 - Launch summary and satellite descriptions for 1994 launches.
1995 - Launch summary and satellite descriptions for 1995 launches.
- Martin, Donald H.; Communications Satellites 1958-1992, Aerospace Corporation, 1991 - Information on communication satellites from around the world.
- Newkirk, Dennis; Almanac of Soviet Manned Space Flight, Gulf Publishing Company, 1990 - A launch-by-launch history of the Soviet manned space effort.
- Johnson, Nicholas L.; Soviet Civil Earth Observation Systems, Teledyne Brown Engineering, 1991 - Programmatic and technical descriptions of Soviet Earth observation programs.
- Rycroft, Michael (ed.); The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Space, Cambridge University Press, 1990 - A well-illustrated discussion of the past, present, and future of space flight.
Information in the Mission and Spacecraft library is provided without
warranty or guarantee. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.