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Part of the SSTI program

Lewis picture Lewis was selected in the NASA SSTI (Small Spacecraft Technology Initiative) program, along with Clark, to demonstrate advanced spacecraft technologies. Contract start was July 11, 1994.

3-Axis stabilized, zero momentum biased control system with 0.004 deg knowledge. Single solar array generates 600W power at 1 year. Hydrazine propulsion system with eight 1-lbf thrusters. System reliability is 0.86 at 5 years. Ground stations: primary at TRW, Chantilly VA, receive only at Univ. Alaska, Fairbanks, Stennis Space Center, MS, HBCU network. Data archive by Stennis Space Center, accessible on Internet, T1 line.

Earth imaging Hyperspectral Imager (HSI) with 384 bands (0.4 - 2.5 µm, 30 m pixels, 7.7 km swath, panchromatic: 0.45 - 0.75 µm, 5 m pixels, 13 km swath). Linear Etalon Imaging Spectral Array (LEISA), from NASA GSFC (1.0 - 2.5 µm, 256 channels, 300 m pixels, 77 km swath). Ultraviolet Cosmic Background (UCB), from UC Berkely (35 - 85 nm). In addition to the above instruments, several spacecraft systems technologies will be flown. A partial list of planned technology demonstrations is: pulse tube cryocooler, solid state recorder, fiber optic data bus, GPS attitude determination, wide FOV star tracker, magnetically suspended reaction wheel, lightweight structure with integrated thermal control, GFRP overwrapped propellant tank.

Country of Origin United States
Customer/User NASA
Manufacturer(s) TRW
Size 36.5 in. hex by 69.5 in.
Launch Currently slated for May 1997 on a Lockheed Martin Launch Vehicle (LMLV)
Orbit 523 km, circular, sun synchronous
Design Life 3 years (required life is 1 year)
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