The Mission and Spacecraft Library

Landsat 6

Part of the Landsat program

Landsat 6 was designed to continue the Landsat program and carried an improved suite of insturments. However, it failed to achieve orbit during launch, and forced the continued operation of the failing Landsat 4 and 5 vehicles.

Structure of aluminum with graphite struts. Hydrazine propulsion system. Single solar array with 1-axis articulation produces 1430 W (BOL), Two NiCd batteries provide 100 AHr total. Data stored on-board using tape recorders for direct downlink to ground stations at 85 Mbps. 3-axis stabilized, zero momentum with control to 0.01 deg using reaction wheels.

Carried Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) designed to provide 15 meter resolution in the panchromatic band and 30 meters resolution in the multispectral bands.

Country of Origin United States
Manufacturer(s) GE Astro Space
Size 4 meters long
Orbit 705 km circular, polar, sun-synchronous, repeating every 16 days
Design Life 5 years
Related Sites EOSAT Home Page
EOSAT Reference Page at Harvard
NASA Landsat Page
Jennifer Green's Landsat Page

Launch Facts
 Name  Int'l Desig.  Date  Site  Vehicle  Orbit  Mass(kg)
 Landsat 6  none  10/5/93  WSMC  Titan 2  FTO  1740

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