The Mission and Spacecraft Library

Geodetic Satellite

Geosat picture Geosat was a US Navy satellite designed to measure sea surface heights to within 5 cm. After a one-and-a-half year long classified mission for the Navy, Geosat's scientific Exact Repeat Mission (ERM) began on November 8, 1986. When the ERM ended in January 1990 (due to failures of both on-board tape recorders), more than three years of precise altimeter data were available to the scientific community.

Gravity gradient stabilized. Two tape recorders.

Radar altimeter to measure sea surface height.

Country of Origin United States
Customer/User US Navy
Manufacturer(s) JHU/APL
Orbit 760 x 817 km, incl. = 108.05 deg, 17 day exact repeating orbit
Design Life 3 years
Related Sites Geosat Follow On page

Launch Facts
 Name  Int'l Desig.  Date  Site  Vehicle  Orbit  Mass(kg)
 Geosat  1985-021A  3/13/85  ESMC  Atlas E  LEO  635
    Ocean sea height mapping

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