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Chinastar picture Lockheed-Martin signed a contract on Aug 18, 1995 with the Beijing telecommunications firm China Orient Telecomm Satellite Co. to build a geosynchronous communications spacecraft, ChinaStar-1. China Orient will pay an estimated $100 million for the spacecraft including ground support equipment, but not including launch costs.

Based on Lockheed-Martin A2100 series bus. 3-axis stabilized. Two large solar arrays.

18 operational C-Band channels with 45 W amplifiers. 16 Ku-Band channels with 85 W amplifiers. 4 Ku-Band channels at 135 watts.

Country of Origin China (PRC)
Customer/User China Orient Telecomm Satellite Co. Ltd.
Manufacturer(s) Lockheed-Martin
Launch Planned for 1997 on Long March booster
Orbit Geosynchronous
Design Life 10+ years

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