
Earth Observing System (EOS)
This series of polar-orbiting and low-inclination satellites intended to conduct long-term global observations of the Earth's land surface, atmosphere, oceans, and biosphere. EOS is the centerpiece of NASA's Mission to Planet Earth (MTPE), and together with other missions from NOAA, Europe, and Japan forms the comprehensive International Earth Observing System (IEOS).
The objectives of the EOS mission are:
- Create an integrated scientific observing system that will enable multidisciplinary study of the Earth's critical, life-enabling, interrelated processes involving the atmosphere, oceans, land surfaces, polar regions, and solid Earth, and the dynamic and energetic interactions among them.
- Develop a comprehensive data and information system, including a data retrieval and processing system, to serve the needs of scientists performing an integral, multidisciplinary study of planet Earth.
EOS consists of the following spacecraft:
- EOS AM-1
- Landsat-7
- EOS PM-1
- EOS Laser ALT-1
- EOS AM-2
- EOS Laser ALT-2
- EOS CHEM-2 Monitor
- EOS CHEM-2 Process
The NASA Home Page has more information about the MTPE and EOS programs.
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